Thursday, December 11, 2008

Riley is coming home!

He is coming home today! Thanks for all your prayers. I am waiting (not very patiently) for Griff to get off work so we can go pick up our little guy. He is a whopping 5 pounds now too! Praise God!

More to come soon....


Becky Bartlett said...

HOORAY!!! This is GREAT news! Have fun in your place tonight. The first night home is so special!! :) Love ya-

Kelli B said...

I am so thankful!!! Cant wait to hear more and see photos. Today will be a great day, bringing him home :)

The Beginning Farmer's Wife said...

Praise God for the great news! I'm so happy to hear that he is strong enough to go home. Have a wonderful day!!

Becca Book

Sarah said...

Chris told me when he got home that Griff called. I am so glad for all of you! Thanking the Lord, and looking forward to seeing you all soon.

Unknown said...

We are so excited to see you all next week. Pray for good weather for our travel and we will be there Sunday to spoil Riley rotten.
Love ya much,
Grandma Henry

Heather said...

Rejoicing with you!!! Yay! Enjoy your little guy. There's something so special about being a mommy! Love you Sharon

TheFrazers said...

Praise God, Sharon! We are so excited for the three of you. Enjoy that little pumpkin and your first night at home with him. We love you
Drew and Stacy

Anonymous said...

God is Good! All the time! I can't wait to meet that little man!

Anonymous said...

Hi from Pastor Jo,
I looked at your blog this morning and celebrate with you that there is joy in your household over and over. I do so much enjoy the videos. They are so good to hear. The sounds of a tiny baby are something so precious, and right now as we think of Jesus coming as a tiny baby and being born in a manger, we praise God once more for everything that He has done for us, including that precious little Riley. What a Merry Christmas you will have! Blessings to you,