Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mary Poppins

Today is a cold rainy day, the perfect day to introduce my little man to one of my favorite movies, Mary Poppins. I was a little nervous the silly many laughing and floating in the air would scare or confuse him, or that the bird lady may freak him out but none of that happened. Instead the only things that even somewhat bothered him were the Admiral shooting the cannon at 8am each moring and the old crabby bank men. I love this movie because there is no way you can watch it and be sad. How can you possibly say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and not be happy, which is the very point of the word, to make people happy. Riley loves the dancing and the music, especially "Steppin' Time". He was dancing all over the floor kicking up his heels and Ellie would occasionally join in. She loves the little doggy the most. So, if you are stuck inside due to rain or just need a good smile I would highly recommend Mary Poppins.
This video was taken this morning while Riley was still wearing his unseasonal but warm Christmas jammies.