How did this happen? Six months already? Though the first few months seem to drag on with sleepless nights and late night feedings these past couple have flown by.
Our little Ellie Dawn is a delight. She is rolling over from her back to her front constantly and loves to stick her tongue out and smile. She loves Riley and really anyone that will hold her and give her attention. She is enjoying time in her walker and just the last couple days is starting to actually move in it. Some days I wonder if she will just go from sitting to walking because she hates being on her belly (making her arms weak)and her legs are really strong (from so much time in the walker). I guess only time will tell. She is quite the slobbery girl and almost always has a bib on these days. If she didn't have a bib her outfits would be drenched within the hour.
Over the Thanksgiving break we had the chance to go to Pittsburgh and get time with Griff's family. It was wonderful to be around family and see Riley and Ellie enjoy their grandparents, aunt, uncles, cousins, great-aunt, and great-grandma. We not only celebrated Thanksgiving with them but also Riley's birthday and Christmas (because we will be in Iowa this year). What a fun weekend!
Grandma Jones can always make Ellie smile.
Ellie getting quality time with her Uncle Andy.
Ellie enjoying time with Poppy Jones.
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