Riley is two months old and growing like crazy. At his two month check-up he weighed 8 pounds 13 ounces! He also got diagnosed with acid reflux. This has actually been good news to know something is actually wrong with him and can be treated with medicine. He is starting to sleep better now which is a huge praise!
Our little man is also becoming a huge Penn State fan. I took this picture this morning around 9am, his happy hour. If you look close at this picture you can see him holding up his finger pointing out that Penn State is number 1.
My mom was out last week and took some pictures of the three of us. We enjoyed having Grandma Henry here...Riley especially.
What a cutie! He looks great. :)
Caleb also had acid reflux as a baby. They called his GER (gastroesophageal reflux). He was so sad/mad almost all of the time. I felt so bad for him. The only thing that helped him when he was trying to sleep was to have his crib mattress tilted by using pillows underneath or just have him sitting up. During the day he saturated many, many burp cloths!
The good news is that he was much happier by the time he was 6 months and didn't spit up much after a year old. The only lingering thing is that if he gets coughing hard when he is laying down he will sometimes throw up yet. Hopefully he'll outgrow that too.
The only good thing is that having my first baby colicy has made my other two seem SOOOO easy!!
I'll be praying for Riley as the Lord brings him to mind that he will outgrow his quickly and that he won't be too uncomfortable in the mean time.
Love ya
Becca Book
hey sweet friends ... riley is SO cute! i love his smile!!
cooper had reflux too ... it was really hard at first -- i can imagine what you are going through. i agree with the previous commenter -- the first few months it just felt like he was never happy, and it was hard to know what to do! (he didn't spit up much though, it was "silent" reflux ... we could just hear him grunting and gagging all day and night.)
his actually started getting better around 3 1/2 or 4 months -- i stopped giving him the meds after he turned 4 months, and he's been OK since. he's 6 months now, and he still spits up sometimes, but it doesn't seem to bother him at all. i hope the same for your sweet boy ... and i pray sleep and peace for you and griff too.
love you guys! melanie
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