The Jones Family Journal
Monday, January 18, 2021
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
The New Addition...
Brennan Gabriel Jones was welcomed to our family October 5th at about 2:05 a.m. He weighed 5 pounds 11 ounces and was 19 inches long. He was 3 1/2 weeks early so to say we weren't quite prepared is an understatement. We spent one extra day in the hospital to tackle some jaundice but he is doing well and thriving. He has been a wonderful addition to our family. Ellie loves being mommy to him and Riley is a huge help with putting the pacifier back in his mouth. Thatcher loves to hold him as well. More will come later but this crucial update is long overdue. We are a family of six and loving it!
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Oops. It's Been Awhile
Okay, I have tried posting several times in the last year and for some reason it would never work. So here is one last attempt to see if my computer, the internet and God will make this happen.
In the last year much has happened...
We are settled into and love our home in State College
Thatcher is the cutest almost 2 year old around and loves balls, Elmo and keeping up with his big siblings.
Ellie is a very talkative four and shocks me almost daily with her attitude, vocabulary and dress up abilities.
Riley is my 5 year old that heads to kindergarten in 20 days! He is addicted to legos and will most certainly go through withdrawal when he heads to school.
Griff ran a marathon last September and has been busy but loving his job at the Applied Research Lab at Penn State.
I am pregnant with number four and excited to be in the home stretch with just 10 weeks to go!
We have enjoyed the summer off and spent many afternoons at the pool, taken some trips to Lancaster to see friends and just enjoyed having a little less to do, though some weeks it doesn't feel like less.
We are gearing up for kindergarten, preschool, and the return of Penn State students as I will lead another 5 Aspects of Womanhood Bible study on Monday nights. And we are gearing up for baby #4 whose gender is only known to the Lord and the ultrasound tech at this point. :-)

Saturday, May 18, 2013
Pictures and Some Thoughts
Friday, February 1, 2013
Our Home
Okay friends, here are pictures of our new home and some of what we have been doing to pass the cold days. The first pictures are of Ellie's room (Riley counting for hide-and-seek) and a Pinterest project I did for her room, the boys room, the upstairs bathroom and a Pinterest project I just finished in there. Then, there is the foyer from two angles, followed by the livingroom/toyroom, the downstairs bathroom and the kitchen. I know some of the pictures are dark but at least you get the idea. I didn't get a pic of our bedroom because Thatch was napping in there at the time. In addition you will see storytime, Riley's playdough creations and a "cave". Enjoy!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
What's Been Happening
In the last two weeks we have packed up all our worldly possessions, spent a few nights "camping" in our own home, went to a wedding (actually we only made it to the reception because we were still packing), spent the night in a hotel, moved, unpacked, unpacked, unpacked and oh yeah, took care of three kids in the midst of all of it. And Griffin started a new job. It's been pretty slow around here. :-)
We are slowly finding a new normal here. It helps that I lived here before and know where to buy groceries, get gas, the quickest route to the ER, and the quickest route to a Starbucks. The kids love their new home and the stairs they get to climb multiple times a day (since we moved from a ranch home). I am loving my beautiful and spacious kitchen and all the storage I have now. Hopefully pictures of the new home will come soon. In the meantime, here are some pictures of the last two weeks.
My baby.
My big boy.
The moving van.
Making new memories in our new home in Ellie's new big girl bed.
I'd be lying if I said I'm not tearing up looking at these pictures and thinking about the last few weeks. I loved that home and all the people that entered it and got to live life with us there. It is sad to think that season of life is over. Sad. I know there are good things for us here. Really good things. I am excited about being here but I am also sad. The kids asked about their preschool friends today and I tried to explain why they are there and we are here. They asked about our old neighbors Jim and Marie and I had to try and explain that too. Moving isn't easy. The kids are resilant and they are already excited about their new neighbors that had them over for a playdate today. I am excited about our new neighbors too. I'm excited to attend PSU events and activities, to be involved on campus again with the Navigators and to see our family grow (not in number but in years) here. I'm excited for the home that God provided for us here, right by a park and a great walking trail. But, as I try to figure out the new normal for us, our daily routine, fun activities to do here with the kids, etc. I mourn the loss of Lancaster and all God provided for us there. Four years ago when we moved there I was thankful to be there and no longer in Philly but I longed to be back in State College. Now, five years after I left (when I married Griff) I am back. God brought me back here. He answered many prayers of mine and Griff's. And for that I am excited to see what He is going to do here in and through us.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Their Many Faces
These days are extremely crazy and full with preparation for our big move. So, in the midst of it all we have found some comic relief in our children and their many faces.
Happy Face -
Angry Face -
Sad Face -
Poopin' Face -
Happy Face -
Sad Face -
Angry Face -
Poopin' Face -
Happy Face -
Angry Face -
Spittin' Face -
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